tirsdag 8. mars 2016

Day 9 - on Wednesdays we wear black

Day 9 - draw your favorite TV show 

Witches, female empowerment, The Supreme. What's not to love? Except for all the death, killing and blood I suppose. Not safe for children or delicate people.

What am I talking about? American Horror Story Coven!
Love this show. I was obsessed when it started airing. Wednesday quickly became the favorite day of my week. I still love wearing black on Wednesdays. And who doesn't love the Mean Girls reference?

I drew this with a mechanical led pencil in HB, then I added some texture in Photoshop.

lørdag 5. mars 2016

Motivation found;in the cutest neighbor

There's  no excuse really. Challenges are hard. They challenge you. and sometimes, they can be harder than they look.

I will continue the 30 day drawing challenge, but the last couple of days I've actually been drawing just for me, and what I wanted to draw. Not what I had to draw.  Sometimes I find it important to do artistic stuff just for you, especially when it's just a hobby. It makes it easier to keep the motivation going, and that's very important for me right now, since I have just started doing art again.  Of course, finishing what you started, and not giving up on a project is important as well! Even if you're just doing it for fun! Keep pushing yourself.

I hope you guys will forgive my little faux pas, and I will share a little of what I made instead of the challenge art. I also made a little something with a tip for watercolor that I will post in the near future, that I hope you guys will enjoy and find helpful :)

- Totoro <3

I painted this entirely with watercolors from Winsor Newton. The outline was also made with paint and a brush.  Which is really challenging, but I learned a lot from my mistakes. And I just love working with watercolors again after such a long hiatus :)

And don't worry, we will pick up the challenge.

Have an AMAZING weekend, and a great Saturday cuties! I know I will.

tirsdag 1. mars 2016

Day 8 - In the name of the moon

I will punish you! 

It's finally Sailor Moon time!
I've basically been obsessed since the first time I saw this show, I was about 11/12 years old. It's about magical girls, kicking all the evil guys butts. It was right down my alley.

As I've grown older, I've only grown fonder of Sailor Moon. It promotes the fact that girls can be totally kick ass, and they can look cute while doing it. It really just feels empowering as a girl to watch it, and I'm sure other Sailor Moon fans feel the same way.

Also, Usagi (Sailor Moon) is just a hilarious character. I love that she's not the perfect girl, she cries for everything, she's a scaredy cat, she's horrible at cooking and studying. She just wants to read comics and play games all day. But she always saves the day (earth/universe).  She always makes me laugh, but she makes me feel brave too. Thanks for over 20 years of fun Sailor Moon!

Day 8 - Draw your favorite animated character 

I've been drawing Sailor Moon for many years, but I never feel like I can do her justice. But it was still a lot of fun to draw her (as usual) and  I love all the details in her senshi (fighter) costume! 

This was done completely traditional, with pigment liner, Copic Ciao and Promarkers. 

I hope you have a fantastic Tuesday cuties! 

mandag 29. februar 2016

Day 7 - Flying castles, witches and wizards

Day 7 - Draw your favorite movie 

Howl's Moving Castle. Amazing piece of cinema, if you ask me. Magic, curses, witches and wizards. A magical castle and demons. War and love. What more could a girl ask for? Well, unicorns but..you can't have it all.  I've always loved animated movies. They have always been my favorites. I , as everyone else, grew up with Disney movies. The first one I remember is The Little Mermaid, and when I went to see The Lion King at the movies. Disney was and is great, but as I grew older and stumbled into the world of Japanese animation it can't really compare. Studio Ghibli movies are absolutely breathtaking. The animation, the artwork, the stories. In my opinion, they're just perfect. I love their movies, especially the ones directed by Hayao Miyazaki.  In reality I should have done a whole Ghibli tribute, but I decided to just pick one for the challenge. 

For this illustration I used watercolors. I haven't painted in a long time, so it was both fun and a challenge. I used my trusty Winsor Newton travel kit, which is almost 20 years old (that says something about the quality you guys!) . You can't get this exact one, with the exact colors, but this one is almost just the same: WATER COLOURS DELUXE SKETCHERS' POCKET BOX
And of course, I lined it with my trusty pigment liner from Staedler. 

This was a great way to start my week, and I hope you had a great start to yours as well :) 

søndag 28. februar 2016

Day 6 - Just one???

Day 6 - draw your favorite book 

I'm a serious book lover, and there's is no way I could pick just one favorite book. I could maybe make like a top 5 or 10, but in reality I'd rather be listing authors I like because the book list would be huge. I am a literature major in university after all! And I realized that I couldn't pick just one favorite book pretty fast, so I chose to do my own spin on today's challenge. 

Pigment liner pen, and Copic Ciao markers were used to make this illustration. 

Today has been a lovely, and relaxing Sunday. just the way I like it! I hope all of you had lovely weekends as well. 

Do you have a favorite book?? 

lørdag 27. februar 2016

Day 5 - 4 ever

I have a lot of amazing and great friends. Best friends even. And I hope you all know I love you and cherish you. 

Day 5 - draw your best friend 

I chose to draw my very first best friend, Ragnhild. We met in first grade when we were 6 years old, and we've been friends ever since. Over 20 years of friendship, now that's something special! (not that you guys aren't special, you know who you are).  We've done so much stuff together, and even if she lives far away from me, when we talk on the phone or see each other it's like we saw each other yesterday. It's been fun growing growing up with you bestie, here's to future adventures! ;) 

I chose to go for a more realistic style today, as I know the subject will probably love that (since she's been badgering me about drawing here for a couple of years now). Better late than never!
The entire drawing was made in Photoshop with a Wacom Cintiq 13hd tablet screen. 

Have a GREAT weekend cuties! 

torsdag 25. februar 2016

Day 4 - I want to stay here all day

We're at day 4 already, and today we're talking about favorite places!  I find it hard picking favorites, because I have a lot of stuff I love and enjoy. I guess I just appreciate a lot of things.  But I was able to pick today as well, and I hope you enjoy today's challenge illustration :)

Day 4 - draw your favorite place 

I love my couch. Like this corner in my living room is my most favorite place in the entire world. I can draw here, read books, watch movies and shows. I can sleep on it, with my cats (they are usually not allowed in my bedroom). And of course I can spend time with my amazing boyfriend on it. I can do all my favorite things, right here. I'm a real home body, but I do have other favorite places. 

As usual, I used pigment liner from Steadler to line the drawing, Copic Ciao and Promarkers for color. I also colored in the couch itself with Photoshop. 

I tried making the lines and colors more organic and natural, and not being so picky about making it look perfect. But more like it has this hand drawn/made feel to it. 

Have a great Thursday cuties! Just one more day until the weekend starts!